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Monday, June 3, 2013

What I Do & Don't Believe (How Many People Will I Piss Off?)

Dear Blahg,

I have been wanting to do this for a long while but haven't as I really hate rocking the boat but there comes a time in every one's life that they need to finally reveal who they are and how they feel about things.  Today is it.  I'm gonna do it.  Who knows, I might actually get mail here.  Anyway, here goes....

I believe in the freedom of religion as long as your religion does not harbor hate or violence against others. I also believe you do not have the right to shove your beliefs down every one's throat.  

Nor do I believe that God could care less that you shared some one's post about Him.

I believe in God.

I believe in Jesus Christ.

I call myself a Christian.

I believe Jesus was the spiritual son of God but not the physical. 

I believe Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.

I believe they had children.

I do not believe the bible is the word of God.

I believe in the loving God and not the destroy all others God.

I believe that God doesn't not hate gays.

I believe God has a great sense of humor.

I believe in the separation of church and state and business.  The three should always be separate.

I believe that love is love is love and it does not matter who you love as long as you do love. 

I believe in Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Confucius  Moses, Rama, Krishna, Apollo, Mohammad and lots of other Gods.  They all the Higher Being being all bi-polar. 

I believe in the freedom of speech. I know there is a lot of hate speech and while the haters have to right to speak it we do not have to listen.

I believe in truth.  Stop lying to me. Stop lying to yourself.

I believe the government is being run by vicious greedy evil corporations that are killing our country by dividing it against each other (Conservatives and Liberals).  Red pill or blue pill?

I believe in the death penalty, not as a deterrent but because some criminals are too fucked up to live.

I believe in abortion, not as a form of birth control but as a choice.  There have been times in my life when I might have chosen to terminate a pregnancy though luckily I never had to make that choice. 

I voted for Obama but if the GOP had given me a better choice than Romney I would have voted for someone else.  Sadly, I chose the devil I knew instead of the devil I didn't.

I believe women were the leaders a really long time ago.

I believe they should be the leaders now.

I believe in the right to bear arms.

I believe we should do more for our mentally ill.

I really hate shoot em up computer games.

I like Facebook.

I believe cartoons should only be played on Saturday mornings.

We just need to remember to tolerate the differences between you and others.

But a good Pollack joke is always appreciated.

I believe lust for life is good.

Be kind.

I believe we should eat more fruits and veggies and less animal foods.

I believe we need to stop drinking our water from bottles and start drinking it from the faucet or hose.

I believe that marijuana should be legal and cigarettes should not be legal. (And, yes, I do smoke cigarettes and I hate it and I really think Big Tobacco is evil and I am their pawn)

I believe rap is stupid but hip-hop is mostly good.

I'm in love.

I believe we should respect our elders.

There are three kinds of beauty:
physical beauty
inner beauty
and the beauty that makes you gasp

I believe we should cherish our children and teach them values and not leave that to our teachers.

I believe that our children should be taught facts and not the slanted history of our government and religions.

I believe our children should be able to take what they have learned from all sources and decide in what they believe.   

I believe that we should believe in what we believe and that no one has the right to tell us we are wrong.

I believe in ghosts and witches and magic.

Most of all I believe in love, laughter and life.

So there!

1 comment:

  1. I knew there's a reason I like you Shelle!

    It's not that I agree with everything you wrote, but I truly respect that *You* believe it and are willing to let the world know it!
